How To Prioritise Your Mental Health When You’re Working From Home

Let alone socialising, being consistent with your self-care regimes, kids, hobbies or investing time in building your side hustle.
Finding the right work-life balance for you keeps you in the best physical, mental and emotional state possible. Especially the current moment, when our freedom to move around is restricted, and we have to work from home.
Working urbanites reported having felt the weight of the past 12 months on their mental health. According to the National Health and Morbidity Survey, over half a million Malaysians felt that their mental health was negatively affected due to the repercussions from the pandemic and working from home, causing them depression, stress and anxiety.
Millennials also say they struggle to balance their work lives with their personal lives.
We are sure a lot of you could be feeling the same. Are you struggling to create boundaries between work and personal?
Try to find the best practices that can help you find this balance.
If this is something you want to prioritise but you are not sure where to begin,
Working from home removes all the regular structures that used to make up our days. Whether you were traveling to work, stepping out for lunch or with coworkers, the time we spent away from our workspaces was incredibly valuable for our productivity.

Learn to talk about how you feel to someone close to you.
Suppose you have something to look forward to; you will tend to be more productive during your workday. Having plans after your given working hours will help you set better boundaries about when you finish work and your availability after work hours.
Most of us are addicted to our devices. Studies are just beginning to explain smartphone use's effects on mental health and its linked to anxiety and depression. It describes how social media's overuse can become a tool of distraction to divert ourselves from stressful thoughts or feelings. This pattern may take a toll on your problem-solving and decision-making skills over time.

Stay present and spend time with your loved ones.
Bring in more self-love into you. Prioritise yourself, your time and the way you live your life daily.
One of the most common mental health issues we are facing right now is the increase in stress and anxiety. Our 24/7 hustle and also with the rise of uncertainty, have contributed to this. Meditation lowers cortisol levels — the stress hormone —which helps you feel more relaxed and present.
Meditation is about acknowledging everything coming to your mind without chasing it or controlling your mind. It's all about allowing, flowing, and surrendering to what is to come. Eventually, your mind will get into complete stillness and stability.

Start slow and allow yourself to take the first step to improve your mental health, to love and care for yourself more.

Curated for you with insightful tools, guided meditations, techniques and practices taught by our renowned facilitators to help you relieve stress, anxiety and depression.
In just a couple of minutes, you'll be able to achieve a better state of mental health via bite-sized videos of our international facilitators and our clinical psychologist, showing you how to overcome your stress, anxiety and depression.